User ResponsibilitiesΒΆ

Each person making use of the OBLIVION supercomputing resources assumes the following responsibilities (**):

  • The user is responsible for the security of his/her software and data and shall take necessary security precautions to protect them, and, in particular, not allowing others to access them.

  • Password and other credentials used to access OBLIVION Supercomputer accounts must be protected and must never be shared, under any circumstance.

  • The user suspecting a security compromise of his/her systems, passwords, credentials or data must report it immediately to the OBLIVION Support Team through the email

  • The user may be liable for any damage to OBLIVION or to other users accounts or data resulting from the infringement of the responsibilities referred above.

(**) Adapted from the User Responsibilities set for the MareNostrum Supercomputer, BSC, Spain, and JUWELS Supercomputer, JSC, Germany.